ELFLOW’s semi automatic cleaning system is a system using high pressure flat water beams that are sprayed between the fins. Our cleaning heads are specially designed for Your finned tube configuration to obtain maximum cleaning effect. The spray nozzles are mounted on an spray-nozzle head which is moving over the surface to be cleaned in fixed position towards the finned tubes. In this way, the water beams always hit the finned surface in the same direction. The combination of the spray-nozzle head and the guiding rail form the basic cleaning system. As the water is not mixed with any chemical, all used water can be disposed off as rain water. Cleaning can be done during operation of the air cooled condenser, with only the fan at the location of cleaning stopped. The system consists of the following items

  • A support frame, which can be a ladder or an aluminium space frame, a cleaning rig and rails via which the support frame moves along the heat exchanger bundles. This support frame will be moved sideways manually by our operators
  • An electrical or air driven motor that will move the cleaning head with nozzles up and down (or back and forth) by use of stainless steel cable or chain. With end switches, the vertical movement is reversed every time the end position os reached.
  • An electrical control panel which is positioned near the rig or on the ladder. The control panel includes a frequency controller for motor speed control, an automatic mode for the vertical direction, a manual mode for vertical movement and control buttons for the high pressure pump. (On and off)
  • A high pressure motor/pump unit that allows for the large volumes of water at pressure exceeding 100 bar (mostly around 130 Bar pressure)
  • A set of hoses system to connect the HP motor/pump unit to the cleaning head

Our semi automatic cleaning system offers a
few advantages over the competition namely

No entry inside plenum chamber anymore, thus
• No risk of falling (Forced draft unit) due to heat stress
• No HP hoses in hands of persons
• No risk due to darkness and/or obscurity in plenum chamber

• Up to 3 faster than conventional cleaning
• Up to 1.5 faster than conventional semi automatic cleaning due to our Dual Cleaning Head System™
• No scaffolds necessary anymore
• No electrical isolation of motors in sub station (lengthy procedure) anymore
• No damage of fins as no walking on fins at all anymore
• No issuing of entry permit anymore


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